Business & Lifestyle Blog

Last week I wrote a blog about the power of making a decision.

We know that making a decision is one thing, but the follow through on the multiple action steps needed is really where the rubber meets the road.

And this is exactly why many people fail in their business.

Jen Sincero writes, “The difference between those who succeed and those who fail is a no-nonsense commitment to staying the course no matter how hot the fire gets.”

She went on to say that the #1 thing wealthy people attribute their success to is tenacity.

I remember the first time I learned that word. I was in high school, taking a speed reading class after school. I didn’t love the instructor, but I was fascinated with the idea that I could learn to read faster and more efficiently with these techniques. It was one of the few times I really applied myself at that age, and he really saw me and my efforts.

He mentioned having tenacity when it came to applying these new skills.


Watch it work when you work it.

Stubborn persistence.

Unwillingness to accept defeat.

His passion for the word is what got my attention. I could see his eyes light up as he said the word. He even punched the air for emphasis.

Imagine how different your business would be if you increased your tenacity when it comes to accomplishing your goals
in less time…

If you’re leaning in to learning how to flex this muscle of tenacity, I want to invite you to a free opportunity where you can mastermind with me and other motivated business owners.

Come join this 75-minute meeting! You’ll get the chance to introduce yourself and share what you’re working on. Then, as time allows, we’ll choose certain attendees who raise their hands to get feedback from the group on whatever you bring to the table.

It’s my gift to you; all I ask is that if you sign up, SHOW UP. This is part of the tenacity lesson. It’s making small commitments and sticking to them.

I don’t know about you, but for me, every single time I show up to a mastermind meeting with other committed business owners (even if I don’t have anything I need feedback on)… I walk away inspired, ready, and committed to my journey.

I would love to see you there on Thursday, Feb. 16 at 10:00 am Mountain Time.


The 4-Point Playlist For Digital Coaches
The Power Of Decisions